
Back fm Down Under...

We are home finally!!!
We got here
two nights ago
I can safely say
My feet felt like they
to fall off.
And I can't possibly
walk for the next 2 weeks hehhee

I will post more photos
from the trip
but for now,
enjoy these photos
of Mom and Sonia
taken at George's place
in Adelaide.
Yes... yes
I will try to load more photos
am feeling
lazy right now plus I hv
to prepare for this evening bbq
at our place.
For now,
enjoy the ones that hb took.
And oh yes...
Happy Eid Al-Adha to all muslim!

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About Me

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Hi.. I am a SAHM to 2 kiddoes..19yr old boy n 2 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby here in Singapore and hv been living here all my life... my love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stop eversince.. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way..